Monday, March 12, 2012

Do Grandparents Have Rights To Keep Grandchildren When Neglect Is Suspected?

By []Angela Montgomery
Thousands upon thousands of grandparents each year are forced to agonize over this heart-wrenching, tragedy-inducing question. When it comes to our grandchildren & our unconditional love for them...words are woefully inadequate. Theirs' is a pure, sweet and innocent love...treasured in the deepest recesses of our world-weary hearts. How is it possible we find ourselves asking the unbearable, unthinkable question, "Do grandparents have rights to keep grandchildren from their own parent?"
If we are grandparents whose grandchildren are being physically or verbally assaulted, neglected or used as weapons in a war of attrition, the only answer we want to hear is, "Yes, you have every right to keep those precious babies safe in your arms and the law will stand behind your beliefs & judgment."
Without emotion or hesitancy, this is the answer we will hear...every...single...time:
"No. Parental custody and control is sacrosanct; criminal charges will be forthcoming against you for kidnapping and you will be thrown in jail unless you can produce solid proof of physical abuse, abandonment, or neglect."
So long as no legal paperwork exists terminating parental rights, if the parents have placement/custody - and you can provide no proof of abuse to the proper authorities - you MUST return the children immediately. (With the opinionated caveat of the author that nothing so physically/psychologically earth-shattering has occurred which would cause you to take them "underground" which case you'd better have big bucks for an extremely high-powered attorney & a mountain of evidence.)
Neglect and abuse are unbelievably hard to prove in a court of law. Over 800,000 children each year are physically abused and/or neglected in the United States of America. As verbal abuse is rarely proven by legal definition - and therefore not counted as empirical data - many more thousands of children suffer in silence, and without hope. Perhaps your grandchildren are among this group...perhaps not. Even so, a lengthy paper trail of documentation is required before a judge will even consider removing a child from the guardianship of biological/custodial parents.
So that's the bad news. Take the time you need to sit on the pity pot...just be sure to flush when you've finished. And please don't take too long because there's work to be done. Someday, God willing, no one ever again need ask the question, "Do grandparents have rights to...?"
The good news is that you can - in time - prove a case, if one exists. Use your frustration, heartbreak, anger & worry and channel it into making a difference for your grandchildren as quickly - and methodically - as possible. Get involved. If there are school and/or Sunday-school teachers, coaches, day-care providers - introduce yourself. Once trust is established, share your concerns.
A word of warning here! There is a very fine line to be walked when acting on behalf of children who are being seriously harmed - whether it be emotional, physical, sexual, or verbal. Be dead certain of your information and be able to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that your actions take ONLY the best interests of your grandchildren into consideration. Examine your motives.
Just as the villagers finally refused to rescue the shepherd boy after falsely crying, "Wolf!" one too many times, every time a dispute escalates and a case is lost because a grandparent with a nose out of joint threw a temper tantrum - the question "Do grandparents have rights?" goes right out the window. Instead, we hear, "See?! It was just a meddling, old witch who doesn't have a life...that right THERE is the reason that grandparents shouldn't have rights!"
And another grandchild loses her legacy...
May your Higher Power's strength carry you through these terrible waters dear grandparents, and may your grandchildren be nestled safely on the Wings of Grace,
P.S.Very often when a grandparent begs the question "Do grandparents have rights?" they are being denied access to their grandchildren. In the resource section below, I have included a link to a page with ideas on what to do should find yourself in this terrible place of loneliness & despair. As one who has experienced the agony of lost grandchildren, I understand.
Angela Montgomery is Chief Editor for She is a leading authority on grandparents rights and tirelessly advocates for laws granting the rights of children to have a loving relationship with their grandparents. For more information, resources & support on the question []Do Grandparents Have Rights or to discover what to do if your []Grandparent Visitation Rights Are Denied be sure to visit the website.
Article Source: [] Do Grandparents Have Rights To Keep Grandchildren When Neglect Is Suspected?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Boy Is The Joy Of My Life

By []Connie Wayne
In 1913, Henry van Dyke wrote a story in which he describes a boy as the joy of the journey. On a pilgrim journey, "The boy is the joy" and "a refreshing spring of water to the older pilgrims". That story resonates with me because I am an older pilgrim now, and my youngest grandson is the "Boy is the Joy in my current life's journey...
It was my 65th birthday, and my two-year old "Boy is the Joy" thought that he had climbed the stairs to my loft apartment without me knowing he had arrived. He snuck up the stairs and landed in my living room where I was sitting at my desk acting as if I did not know he was there. With great delight, he exclaimed, "It's me again!"
As always, Grandma acted surprised and questioned, "Who is me?" This was a ritual with us because he always takes great pride in telling me who he is. He loves to see my reaction and how excited that I am that "Me" has come to visit again. "Me" knows that he is Grandma's "Boy is the Joy".
Immediately upon telling me who he is, he always asks, "Where's my toys? Where's my books?" He knows that Grandma has special things for him to play with when he visits; but, more importantly, Grandma sits in the floor and plays with him. We play with cars, airplanes, and "diggers," which to him are any kind of construction equipment. We also build towers, roads, bridges, and garages out of large Lego blocks, and we read books together. His two-year-old intellect and verbal skills amaze me!
The "Boy is the Joy" arrived in my life at a time when I needed joy resurrected. My older brother, whom I dearly loved and who was my first "Boy is the Joy," died just two months before my grandson made his grand entrance to life.
Since she was very young, my youngest daughter always wanted a boy for her first child. Even though she had a difficult delivery, she was very excited he had finally arrived. I was there, standing near my daughter's hospital bed; when I saw "Boy is the Joy" emerge into this world. The doctor and the obstetrical nurses moved me away from my daughter's bedside and quickly began to work with her. Because those attending her surrounded her bed, she was unaware of what was happening with her newborn son. "Boy is the Joy" was a blue baby, and he was not breathing.
I moved aside and stood nearby trying to watch my daughter and "Boy is the Joy" at the same time. As I watched the pediatric nurses begin to work with my grandson, I saw their concern as they discussed how many minutes had passed since he was born. There I stood looking at a beautiful, healthy, strong baby boy whom my daughter had already named, and he still was not breathing. Aware that my daughter was well attended, I turned my full attention to him.
As the two nurses continued to work with him, I silently prayed. As seconds turned into minutes, I felt that prayer was not enough. I needed to do something else. That is when, without thinking, I called out his name and cried, "Come on!" At that exact moment, "Boy is the Joy" began to breathe; and, ever since that moment, I believe that my "Boy is the Joy" and I have had a special bond.
Sometimes I look at my "Boy is the Joy" and wonder if a little of my departed brother's essence somehow made its way into him. My "Boy is the Joy" grandson has the same joy for living my "Boy is the Joy," older brother had. When he looks at me and laughs, I wonder, "Brother, are you laughing at me again?
I feel that, in some small way, I had a part in my "Boy is the Joy" grandson coming into this world, and he came at such a wonderful time in my life, a time when I needed another "Boy is the Joy." I am an older pilgrim now, and the "Boy is the Joy" and a refreshing spring of water to me.
Connie Wayne is a (USA) Internet Author who writes articles for several blogs she has designed. Connie invites you connect to these blogs via her website at:
Article Source: [] The Boy Is The Joy Of My Life

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Life in My Grandparents' Era

By []Susie Davids
My grandparents always say to me how our lives are better now than when they were young, and that I should enjoy and cherish my life instead of complaining. Admittedly, in most senses, our lives are indeed much better than our grandparents' when they were young.
Back in the day, gifts for grandparents definitely wouldn't have been Plasma TVs or mobile phones. No siree. In the words of my Grandad, "in my day, we were lucky if we got a plate of baked beans on the table for dinner."
When my grandparents got married, they moved into a cramped one-room - and I repeat - one room flat, with a divan mattress in the corner it, and no running water or electricity. They cooked using a single gas hob and could hardly afford to feed themselves. And when their son was born, times got so tough that they often had to eat blackberries for dinner!
In my grandparents' era, you were lucky if you had a sink in your abode. Many folks collected water from either private wells or from public pumps. Washing machines and dishwashers would've, undoubtedly, come in extremely useful and made incredibly handy Birthday gifts for Grandmothers, or Birthday gifts for Grandad, so they would've spent more time resting and less time washing the dishes and clothes themselves!
As for debit and credit cards, my grandparents didn't use ATM cards until they were in their 60's - imagine that! Instead, they always went inside the bank and did business eye-to-eye with the bank clerk, who even knew them by name.
My grandparents often joke that they don't know why people refer to those times as "the good ol' days," because there wasn't much good about them. Grandad told me a story about a young lad who actually killed himself for lack of food and money.
Of course, I treasure these stories and the time I spend with my grandparents. When I find myself drooling over a new gadget, I think back to the stories of my Gran ransacking the cupboards for a missing "twopence" piece, which would've paid for a can of soup for her son's dinner. It puts life into perspective.
People managed to get by without today's mod-cons. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a criticism of today's modern conveniences, because frankly, many of them make life much more enjoyable. On the other hand, perhaps we should be reminded that the majority of these are luxuries, not necessities, even though media and peer pressure would have us believe otherwise.
These days, we can spend more time and money on our hobbies, which was unheard of in our grandparents' time. My Grandad would've given anything to immerse himself in his favourite book, but he just couldn't afford it, they were that strapped for cash.
When I was walking with my Gran down the local high street, we passed a tanning bed salon and spied a girl, her skin glowing a shade of orangey-red, strut out of the salon. Gran whispered to me: "Why pay the earth to cook your skin when the good Lord shines a sun over your head that does the same for free?" That did make me laugh.
I can safely say kindles, GPS devices, Xboxes, Wiis, and so on, certainly won't be on my gifts for grandfather or Birthday Gifts for Grandma shopping list. I believe there's definitely something to be said for personalised gifts for grandparents.
Very recently, I gave a personalised football book to my Grandad for his 80thbirthday. The front cover displayed his name in gold, and there was a personal message on the inside cover. This particular book contained newspaper reports on the history of Sunderland football team over the last century.
On visiting him a week later, Grandad was already half way through it. Not being much of a football lover myself, I couldn't really share in my Grandad's excitement as he went off at a tangent about all the things he'd read, like the famous League and Cup wins, the stars - past and present, etc. etc. etc. But what did excite me was when he said this was one of the best presents he'd received, ever. That made me so happy.
Go on; spoil your doting grandparents with personalised gifts; there's a whole host of []personalised gifts for Grandparents available online, including original newspapers, diaries, mugs and more, which you can customise with ANY NAME and PERSONAL MESSAGE. Find an amazing range of []Birthday gifts for Grandma and Birthday gifts for Grandad, gifts guaranteed to put a smile on their face!
Article Source: [] Life in My Grandparents' Era

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Grandchildren Put the Gold in Your Golden Years

By []Richard Quindry
From the time they draw their first breath they will have stolen your heart. As I await the arrival of my fourth grandchild I remain as excited by this event as I was with the arrival of the first, some 16 years ago. This will be the firstborn of my youngest child and her husband, and I'm sure they are even more excited than I.
Though the blessed event is still several months off, I'm certain I'll be awed by how quickly the time has passed when he or she is off to their first day of school. As I can recall, the comment of how fast children grow was often made by the adults when my siblings and I were growing up. Even as the world changes, some things remain the same. The bond between parent and child is one of them.
There is another special bond important to the growth and development of children; the one between grandparents and their grandchildren. It is a significant relationship that can enhance the progress of a child's maturation. Though I was still young when they passed I can recall what a joy it was to travel half a day in the car to visit Dad's folks. They always made me feel special. I learned so many things from both of them that it had me thinking that they were so wise that I wanted to be just like them.
Since I became a grandparent myself I have learned that the river of knowledge and experience flows in both directions. We gain so much from the added perspective that these precious little [ insert term such as bundle of joy ] provide us with. They keep us thinking young, remembering that life is about more than work and the accumulation of material objects. They acquaint us with new things, helping us to keep up with progress in an ever-changing world. How many times have we heard the remark that, "my grandchild knows more about the computer than I do."
As much as I treasure the inspiration provided by the insights of these little darlings, it is the opportunity to pass down the knowledge and wisdom acquired during my lifetime that affords me the most gratification. My list of values to pass on to my grandchildren includes the following.
A belief in oneself and a belief in a higher power. There is much more to our world than what we can see, hear, smell or touch. Understanding this opens us to the possibility that all things are possible. There is magic in believing. To learn more on the subject you should pick up a copy of Claude M. Bristol's The Magic of Believing.
Put forth your best effort at what ever you endeavor to do and never give up. Half way just isn't good enough. You'll be able to take pride in yourself knowing that you gave it your all. Never say that you can't do something. This word was forbidden in our household. We were instilled with the idea that the attitude of "can't" ultimately leads to defeat. In fact it will prevent you from ever trying. Adults are often guilty of saying. "I could never do that!"
Know yourself and be true to who you are. Don't try to be something you are not. No one likes a phony This should not be confused with trying new things or developing new skills and interest. Look inside yourself when faced with situations and do what comes naturally. You won't be let down.
Be your own person. Do not fall prey to others who want to control and manipulate your life. Think for yourself. Don't simply follow others because they appear have a greater knowledge or experience. Develop your ability of critical thinking and analysis. Most answers can be worked out in your head if you apply this process. There was a time that we were taught this concept in school. Perhaps this is the greatest failure of the educational system today.
Pursue your dreams. Never lose sight of your aspirations. They raise our spirits to a higher level and are an important part of evolving our imagination. Even when you fail to succeed in your initial efforts it isn't the end. Step back, take a look at the circumstances objectively. Ask yourself how you might have done this differently. Look to others whom you can emulate. While it's true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it is also true that nothing succeeds like success. Model yourself after those who have prevailed at what you want to accomplish. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or assistance. Life is a team sport.
The importance of education. It should never be underestimated. You will be judged by others for how you speak. Remember that each day will present new challenges and learning is a lifetime experience that takes place in and out of school. Those acquiring higher education not only earn a greater income during their careers, but they gain a greater appreciation for finer aspects of living. A god education will take you anywhere you choose to go. Read, study, work hard and you will have earned your education.
Have fun. The value of recreation is in what it returns to the body and spirit. It may appear to be a contradiction, but participation in sports and other forms of recreation are the best ways to rejuvenate yourself and build self-esteem. Winning isn't as important as trying. Participating in sport also teaches teamwork, self-discipline, commitment and the meaning and importance of good sportsmanship. It also helps build your confidence.
Honesty & integrity. When you interact with others always strive to be a person of his/her word. Reneging on a promise or obligation can damage a reputation quickly. Protect your reputation. It can take time to build a good reputation and only an instant to destroy it. Where often hear it said that "his or her reputation proceeds them." Be sure it is an honorable one.
Appreciation of Music and the Arts: Even though their participation may not extend beyond school or community productions, the value of early exposure to these aspects of the human condition will serve them for a lifetime. Music and art are an expression of the soul; our inner being. Learning to release the inner you in many forms will contribute to creating a personality that attracts positive outcomes.
The value of money and the value of friendship. Why it is important not to confuse the two. Few things can damage a relationship faster than a dispute over money. Abide by the adage of never a borrower nor a lender be. Don't lend money you aren't prepared to make a gift of. This can be especially true with family members.
The list can be almost endless, so I'll finish with this one. Find the good in others. We all are human and suffer the frailties of the human condition. Learn to love thy neighbor as thy self. To do so you must understand that it begins with loving yourself and maintaining your self-respect. That starts with forgiving yourself for your errors, striving to do better and not repeating your mistakes. Being a positive role model and practicing what you preach is one of the foremost examples of good parenting and good grand-parenting. The rewards of watching your little ones grow into happy productive adults will fill you with contentment in your "golden years."
Richard Quindry writes fiction and non-fiction on his website. He can be contacted via email at the email address shown below. He accepts free lance assignments and enjoys researching topics of every sort. He is an avid reader of many other Blogs and likes to share ideas with other writers.
His favorite books include mysteries, science-fiction and biographies. He also enjoys writing poetry, a talent he acquired from his grandfather. His recently published book []Marvelous Miriam's Magical Hawaiian Adventure is dedicated to his granddaughter. []Richard Quindry
Article Source: [] Grandchildren Put the Gold in Your Golden Years

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How Your Grandchildren Can Keep You Young

By []Lyn J Rayner
As we grow older and reach our senior years we suddenly take on a whole new interest of what is going to slow down the aging process. We start to take a close look at our lifestyle and we take a closer look at those fountain of youth products. All of a sudden eating better, getting proper rest and counting each day as a blessing becomes the priority. Yet for many of us we have possessed one of the best anti age commodities known to man and we don't realize it. This precious commodity is our grandchildren.
We often don't realize it but we can really escalate our aging process just by the way we think. Its not uncommon to all of a sudden when you hit the age of sixty five and society says you are a senior that you all of sudden begin to think old. Maybe being out in a field throwing a baseball is not such a good idea, or getting up at the crack of dawn to venture out on a fishing trip with the kids is going to cause too many aches and pains. You are what you think you are. If you think you are old then you are going to act this way. Sure you may not be able to run a relay race with the grandkids but I be if you think about it you can walk many miles right along beside them.
The key is to become involved with the grandkids on an active level. Its wonderful for the kids to come over and have a wonderfully cooked meal prepared by grandma, followed by her famous apple pie. But hey, how about  spending the afternoon apple picking before this great event.
You are going to be actively involved, get some great exercise which you can bet is going to make you feel good. Instead of sitting by the swimming pool enjoying watching the kids play about, get in there with them. Again the benefits that you will derive from this are immense.
Let your grandchildren play an active role in keeping you young in mind, body and soul. By doing this you have the extra bonus of leaving your grandchildren with a legacy of memories that will last them a lifetime.
How many times do we as seniors make the comment that things aren't like the way they used to be. Yet we are often the culprits for allowing the modern world to rob us of the values and lifestyles that we were used to as kids, instead of passing these own. We are in fact contributors to the old fashioned family drifting apart.
For more great information on how to be a modern grandparent with old fashioned values be sure to visit
Article Source: [] How Your Grandchildren Can Keep You Young

Friday, March 2, 2012

Staying In Touch With Grandparents Who Live Far Away

By []Autumn Lockwood
Families are becoming increasingly dispersed as time goes on, living all throughout the country and sometimes even all across the world! Whether it's on account of work or something else, many families find themselves moving far away from many of their close loved ones, including important relatives such as grandma and grandpa. But thanks to modern technology, your kids aren't left with just the recollection of Grandma in the photo albums on your coffee table. Keeping in touch has never been more simple.
Using Technology To Keep In Touch
The improvements that have been made in electronic interaction open up the doors for staying in touch with far away grannies and grandfathers. The simplicity of email enables even a five-year-old to do it. This is wonderful because it means that even grandparents who always a very hard time with technology will be able to be taught how to use email to send and get messages. If a particular grandparent is notably unfamiliar with personal computers, you can surely opt for a simple laptop or computer and take around an hour to train them how to work it. There are also classes offered for exactly this type of need at most local community colleges and community centers - many of them for free or at a very low cost. Once Grandmother sees the first few pictures of the youngsters on her own computer, it's likely that she will want to learn what she needs to do to see some more.
Keeping Up Interaction From Far Away
Some other methods Grandmother can use to appreciate using technology and to stay in touch even from her own home miles away are:
• Printing digital photos without being required to leave home. Grandma will be able to fill up numerous photo albums a year without heading out to the photo store if she has the right printer and photo paper.
• Making use of phone services on the internet such as Skype. If Grandma and you both have Skype accounts, then it will be free for you both to talk Skype to Skype. There are additionally low-cost phone plans that allow you to call land lines and cellular phones.
• Getting what you can out of special features on your cell phone. Numerous cell phone plans allow you to have unlimited calling when it is after a certain time, one example is after six p.m. as well as on every weekend. This time that's free can be a great opportunity to talk with the family.
• Making accounts on some social networks. If they join up with a social network site like or perhaps then they can maintain contact with other members of the family as well as updating their status, sharing photographs, and so much more.
• Producing photo albums on the internet. Check out and some other photo-sharing sites to create online photo albums that can be shared with family and friends. This can be a fantastic method for sharing significant events with grandmother and other people, and you can upload and share your own pictures from school and vacation without the long wait that regular mail demands.
• Chat in real time with the help of a web cam. Talking face to face with your grandma or grandpa can be easy as well as free if you use a service like Yahoo Messenger! It's easy to use web cams, they are quite cost effective and a huge number of them can also take still photos that you can use to make prints.
These hints are just a few of the numerous methods that can be used for staying in touch with your family members even when they are many miles away - there are also more ways to help you to feel like your grandma and grandpa or other relatives are right around the corner.
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Article Source: [] Staying In Touch With Grandparents Who Live Far Away